Saturday, March 5, 2016

Plagiarism: Yes or No

That's the point! You copied everything from the Internet! Meaning? You Stole someone else's work! In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward and that is WRONG!

There are person, even artist, who plagiarizes others work. They will pretend that it's their idea or work but the truth is they just get others work. It is a serious ethical offense and cases of plagiarism can constitute copyright infringement. Thus, plagiarism and copyright infringement might overlap somewhat, but they are not equivalent concepts, and many types of plagiarism do not fall under the category of copyright infringement. 

Copyright infringement is defined by copyright law and may be adjudicated by courts. Plagiarism is not defined by law, but rather by institutions (including professional associations, educational institutions, and commercial entities, such as publishing companies) and punishment for plagiarism is not set forth by the legal system.
Speaking of copyright, Copyright infringement is defined by copyright law and may be adjudicated by courts. Plagiarism is not defined by law, but rather by institutions (including professional associations, educational institutions, and commercial entities, such as publishing companies) and punishment for plagiarism is not set forth by the legal system.

This is why when you search Google about Plagiarism and look at the Images result, there's thief allover the screen. Just like this example:
This just shows us that plagiarism is a bad activity that we should not do. It is better to do your own work than presenting others work then claim that it's yours.

 Now, if you're planning to plagiarizes someones' blog, you better not!

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