Wednesday, February 10, 2016

We Are the Artist, We Are the Great, We Are ABMA 151

Speech Choir Competition

                This Speech Choir Competition is another challenge for our block. We have to act as one even though we have separated groups in the normal days. It is kind of cool because our block still have unity.

                During the first day of practice, to be honest, we don’t know exactly what to do. We are just waiting for our leaders to command us what to do or where is the position they will assign us.

                Week past and fortunately, we already have the whole piece in our hand. We know now what to memorize and where our position is.

                Next one is the choreography. Now this part is very tiring because we are doing things over and over again but we all know that that is the only way to memorize or master our choreography so everyone is being patient.

                Because of that, like other student, we get tired. We spend most of our free time taking rest or drinking water, laying ourselves on the floor or on the stage to take a little nap.

                Day of the competition, our block is the first one inside the auditorium. We forgot the tense that we felt and took selfies instead. After a while, we had some entertainment. Sir Nomer Yuzon Sang a song featuring the name of the Faculty Members of the English Department.

                The competition is starting and our block is the first one to perform since we are the first section from the ABMA Students. Because we are the first one, it is obvious that every one of us is nervous. We’re just glad that during our performance, we project smiles on our faces the whole time showing that we’re happy with our performance.
                After our performance, we watched we watched the performances of the other blocks. They are very good and you can say that everyone gave their best.

                Announcement of the winner and most of us are crossing our fingers. All of us are hoping to win.

Announcing the 2nd Runner Up and our block is called! We are very happy that after giving our best, we’ve been paid.

                All the winners deserve to win and all of us are happy with the result.

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