Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mobilizing the Millennials as Social Responsible Prosumers

Photo Credit to: The RAMPage

Last January 29, 2016, the RAMPage produced a seminar entitled "Mobilizing the Millennials as Social Responsible Prosumers". It started with an opening remarks given by the Publication Head and SAO Head, Miss Kareen Gancio. Then, it is followed up by two short films.

The first short film challenges the democracy's motion in our country, the Philippines. This video is produced by someone who claims that he is a concerned citizen.

The second short film suggested that we think again about the previous short film. This short film is done by an organization who advocates for investigative journalism.

After a not so long time, they finally introduced the guest speaker from, a passion project of Filipino Communication professionals about their stories. The first speaker been introduces is Ms. Hon Sophia Balod. She is the Visual Arts Manager. During her speech, she gave some ideas and tips on how to become a good writer.

The second speaker is Liam Nami Baan, the associate editor of and works as the Associate Producer for Segments of the State of the Nation with Jessica Soho.

Photo Credit to: The RAMPage

At first, I thought that this is another boring seminar that I won’t give any interest with. What I think is not true. During the seminar, my eyes been opened up to the fact that I still many things to learn to become a good writer. That motivates me to explore more and give myself a chance to develop my writing skills.

Unfortunately, I lost all the files (photo) that are related about this topic. Because of that, I would like to give credit to RAMPage for the article about this topic which includes photos from the event.

It really is a good seminar that inspire each and every students to become a good writer. If I could, I would totally recommend each and every person to ttend this type of seminar.

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