Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Night We've Gone Wild

BOMBA NIGHT is the highlight of our first ever SoMA Week. After watching the announcement of the winners for the competition been held during SoMA Week, we go straight down to the entrance of the cafeteria and form a line for us to enter first. It’s is not because of we are excited about it, it’s because we wanted to have a free Kopiko 78. YOU READ IT RIGHT! Because of the free Kopiko 78, we waited there in line for almost a half hour.

As you can see in this photograph, I am the first person in line. I was happy because I received a free Kopiko 78. The moment we entered the cafeteria that night, everything was in blast! You can feel the energy of each and every person inside. You can feel the spirit of those people who we called party goers.

Before the performance of the first band start, we are asked to take a sit on the floor. We are like “it’s a party yet we will just sit down here”. Suddenly, they commanded us to stand up. That is when the party started. All of us are jumping with joy. Some of us are looking for their crush. Most of us are starting to be wild. It was really fun!

After the performance of the first two bands, everyone was so sweaty. It is obvious that they were so happy and being active. They dance till their heart contented but they still continue dancing as the rest of the band take up the stage and perform.

Everything about BOMBA Night are fun! Everything are very exciting. Who brings out the fun most? IT’S NOY! OUR FRIEND MONKEY! Almost everyone are entertained by him. We held him up high. Everyone are taking pictures of him. You can see that he brings joy to the party. 


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